Raspberry Pi configuration Install raspian Disable searial console as described in [1]: For: Raspian Wheezy (see http://www.raspberry-projects.com/pi/pi-operating-systems/raspbian/io-pins-raspbian/uart-pins): * remove console=ttyAMA0,115200 from commadline in /boot/commandline.txt * comment out line with ttyAMA0 in /etc/inittab For: Raspian Jessie (see https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=153063): * disable "serial console" through "sudo raspi-config" (under Advanced Settings). Reboot the pi. * "sudo nano /boot/config.txt", and change "enable_uart=0" to "enable_uart=1 (at the bottom of the file): * disable the ModemMonitor service: "sudo systemctl disable ModemManager.service" * Add user to the dialout group: "sudo adduser pi dialout". Note: replace pi with the correct user name. [1] http://www.raspberry-projects.com/pi/pi-operating-systems/raspbian/io-pins-raspbian/uart-pins Set serial line speed ===================== * set line speed stty -F /dev/ttyAMA0 9600 * check line speed (make sure it reads 9600) stty -F /dev/ttyAMA0 Test serial communication with cu ================================= * Install terminal program (cu), if not already installed with: aptitude install cu * connect with cu ( exit with ~. on a new line ) cu -l /dev/ttyAMA0 eWeb commands ============= LcPnnn Activate Lob at channel c with power nnn TcPnnnFmmmWiii Activate Tadel at channel c with power nnn frequency mmm Waveform iii tcPnnnFmmmWiii Activate Tadel with sensitiv mode A Read current state of the analog inputs S Read current state of the digital inputs Notes: * Numbers start with 0 e.g. the first channel is 0, the first waveform is 0 * Each command starts at the begining of a line. * The command will be executed once a CR (0x13) has been received. * The receiver turns off automatically if the command is not repeated within 5 seconds. * An empty line repeats the last command * Use 8 bit values (0..255) for power and frequency Examples: L0 Lob channel 0 off L0P0 Lob channel 0 off L1P000 Lob channel 1 off L1P128 Lob channel 1 50% T Tadel channel 0 off T0P0 Tadel channel 0 off T1P20F100W0 Tadel channel 1 power 20 frequency 100 waveform 0 T1F100P20 Tadel channel 1 power 20 frequency 100 waveform 0 T2P20 Tadel channel 2 power 20 frequency 0 waveform 0